Hypnosis for Intimacy


Playtime begins now!

Trained by the world leading expert on Sensual Hypnosis, Dr. David Snyder, coupled with certifications in Medical Hypnosis, including Sexual Health, by Seth-Debroha Roth and Neuro-Lingustic Program by Shelly Stockwell-Nicholas, I love to help improve the intimate lives of lovers, and those seeking pleasure.

LGTBQ+ and Kink friendly, I teach ways to connect with your and/or your partner’s body so you can experience ecstasy on another level. Life is short. Love while you can!

  • Come in together and explore new ways to ignite passion play! While in trance I direct your subconscious attention towards your lover to enhance your connection in an incredibly profound way.

    Experience what others take dangerous drugs for - but naturally and safely. I’ll also teach you titilating techniques to fulfill each other’s desires . All in the comfort of your chair.

    Let’s Chat For 30 Min and Discover How I Can Help

  • Learn how to connect to and satisfy the person of your dreams. Create the confidence and ability needed to take your love life to the next level with my 6-week Attraction and Fulfillment program. It will change your life.

    Schedule Your 30 Min Complimentary Chat Today!

  • Hypnosis is extremely useful and powerful tool regarding premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness and more.

    I am happy to work with your doctor (and partner if you’d like), and can teach you techniques to relax and train the body to overcome these challenges.

    Schedule Your 30 Min Complimentary Chat Today!